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"The single most untapped competitive advantage is teamwork"

What does this programe do?


The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Teamâ„¢ helps teams understand how effectively they work together and helps them improve towards becoming a more productive, high functioning team that:

  • Makes better, faster decisions

  • Taps into the skills and opinions of all members

  • Avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion and destructive conflict

  • Avoids wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of a lack of buy-in

  • Creates a competitive advantage

  • Is more fun to be on

The Five Behaviors and their results:
Trust one another

When team members are genuinely transparent and honest with one another, they are able to build vulnerability-based trust.

Engage in conflict around ideas

When there is trust, team members are able to engage in unfiltered, constructive debate of ideas.

Commit to decisions

When team members are able to offer opinions and debate ideas, they will be more likely to commit to decisions.

Hold one another accountable

When everyone is committed to a clear plan of action, they will be more willing to hold one another accountable.

Engage in conflict around ideas

When The ultimate goal of building greater trust, healthy conflict, commitment, and accountability is one thing: the achievement of results.

Each behavior builds on each other. We make sure that we don't handle any issue in isolation, to give you the best results from the training.

Who is the programme designed for?


The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team assessment and accompanying material is designed for an intact team. Before choosing this programme, consider the question: Is the team really a TEAM?


A team is a relatively small number of people (from three to twelve) who meet on a regular basis and are collectively responsible for results. The team members share common goals as well as the rewards and responsibilities for achieving them. 


Bringing together everyone's personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoffs can be huge - for individuals, the team and the organisation.


Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your specific

team needs.

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6 Middlesmoor

B77 4PL, United Kingdom

Design by Craig Murley's Elastic Studio.

Everything Leadership is the online trading name of JB Leadership Ltd.

© 2015 Everything Leadership UK.

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